
Friday, April 18, 2014


I realize that I haven't posted since when? September? Gasp! How could I leave you dear readers hanging? Just kidding nobody looks at my blog(: that's alright, kudos to those who do.

So let's catch up, shall we?
Now this is my bunny blog, so I shall leave my personal life behind and dive into the beautiful world of bunny rabbits!
Let's see...Winston is practically three years old now! He's great, and definitely getting more comfortable with other people. But, his cute stubborn and headstrong personality is still there(:

But, I must warn you, he is possessed (I swear). Let me tell the story. One day I was eating chocolate, like most stressed out teenage girls do, and he jumped up onto the couch...and ate a piece. After that his innocent bunny mind has been exposed into the tempting world of sweets. He prefers to attack me for whatever I'm eating, rather than eating the Brussels sprouts I've given him. Now, don't worry children, don't go freaking out at me for being a bad bunny owner. I don't let him eat people food, and he will forget about the chocolate in my hands for the quick minute that it takes him to eat the carrot I bribe him with.    He's perfectly happy and healthy.

Now let's get to some pictures!
My friend  gave me "grass"to give him

Oh my bunny is so fearless<3

Yeahh this is my bad. He likes good, and knows where the carrots come from. The sound of the fridge opening is like songs from the heavens to him

Drinking my water

Don't ask.